How Long will Ink Luster last for?

One Day Wear

These products (applications) will last about 8 plus hours to one night. Depending on how some products are applied will determine how long they last for.

luster gel is washable in a shower.

Luster jewels will last one to 3 days depending on application/location/and how they are cared for.

both can be removed with Luster Eraser.

24 Hour-72 Hour Wear

products & applications will determine how long, can last about two days

applications/location of Ink luster and how it is cared for can determine how long the products will last for.

Luster Jewels & Luster Dust

can be Removed with Luster Eraser.

3-5 Day Wear

These products (applications) will last about three to five days. Remember to use care when drying after getting wet, gently pat dry for best results. Do not add lotion over Luster Lock/Luster Dust/Luster Jewels (it will ensure your products don’t last long.)

Luster Jewels & Luster Dust

Can be removed with Luster eraser.

Please note:

All skin reacts differently!!

If in question, please start with a test patch before Lustering a large piece! And please do not use on any unhealed/Fresh tattoos. Allow your skin to heal, our products will be right here waiting for when it is healed! or use on a Temporary tattoo or other ink until the new one is ready!